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Ben's Bells

Posted on November 8, 2023 by The Drive

Spreading kindness is the mission behind Ben's Bell's,

because of the scientific effects that kindness has on one's health.

The smallest actions by other individuals, especially strangers, can greatly impact the lives of others. Reaching out to those in need and showing support can be all that they really need in order to cope — just knowing that someone is there. The random acts of kindness and paying it forward movements have become a trend; however, they do more than people may think. Not only does performing a random act of kindness make the recipient feel good, but the one performing the act benefits as well.

Since 2003 Ben’s Bells, right here in Tucson, has been operating as a nonprofit by growing kindness education programs and continuing to distribute thousands of Bells every year. Today Bells are found all over the world and their free kindness education programs have reached over 1.6 million students.

Studies have shown that people who perform random acts of kindness for others tend to be happier than those who do not. Spreading kindness to those in need creates a kindness ripple-effect in which people in turn go out and do further kind acts for others, making society a better place.

Kindness Art Inspiration Project

As a way to help them continue their mission, this is a great project to introduce to the students in your life. Projects like these help Ben Bell's create beautiful visual reminders of kindness and raise funds needed to support free educational programming. Selected designs will be translated into mosaic steppingstones or used in Ben's Bell's merchandise design.

Ben's Bells will feature the design along with the completed steppingstones, your school’s name, and the student designer’s first name when featuring the design. All proceeds go towards furthering Ben's Bells education programming and spreading kindness in our communities.

If you are or know a student that would like to enter the Ben's Bell's Kindness Art Inspiration Project, simply click Art Project. If you would like an opportunity to help spread kindness and own a Ben's Bells, then click Bell Shop.

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